Faith, Family & Focus Podcast

What's In Your Worship? [Full Message]

December 07, 2023 Tyler A. Robertson Season 3 Episode 50
What's In Your Worship? [Full Message]
Faith, Family & Focus Podcast
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Faith, Family & Focus Podcast
What's In Your Worship? [Full Message]
Dec 07, 2023 Season 3 Episode 50
Tyler A. Robertson

When we think of praise and worship, we often think of music or what we do in a church setting. But worship is deeply personal. We must actively engage our heart and mind if we are going to truly worship God. 

Today, we discuss the truths of Psalm 100, and beg the question, "What's in Your Worship?"

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When we think of praise and worship, we often think of music or what we do in a church setting. But worship is deeply personal. We must actively engage our heart and mind if we are going to truly worship God. 

Today, we discuss the truths of Psalm 100, and beg the question, "What's in Your Worship?"

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Have you ever thought about like, where? Your life would be without Jesus. I mean, actually sit and think 10 years from now, if you did not have Jesus, where would you be? And I'm glad to have him. You know. I tell people all the time. I've got a boring testimony. I got saved when I was seven. I knew when I was seven, I was like I looked. At my pastor. At the time, brother Bobby and I said that is what God wants. Me to do. I was seven years old. I even know what that meant like, but I knew that's what I wanted to do. So you know what I did? I took a clip on a clip on tie. Put it on my dinosaur pajamas. Because that's what you do when you're 7. And I grabbed my little, you know, there's little blue Bibles with the little lamb on it. You know, I preached my first sermon. It was Ron Christmas time. I have no idea what I talked about. I'm sure it was really great theological message and and all that good stuff. But I knew that's what God wanted me to do. And you know what? I look at that. And I'm like, man, my testing was boring. I wasn't, like, saved out of this or that. But I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful that Jesus met me. I was still lost in on my way to the devil's hell. And I'm glad. Don't save me. Amen. Amen. I want. You to turn. Your Bibles please to psalms, chapter 100. Psalm 100. Have you ever seen the Capital One commercials? Have you seen those commercials? What's the little catching phrase that they say at the end of the commercial? Do you know you got it well dressed, Alan Jackson. They used to be Alan Jackson. Alan Jackson with his bright smile and right low interest rates. And what does he say at the end? What's in your wallet? Right. What's in your wallet? What is he saying? He's saying, hey, if. You don't have. The Capital One card you need to get the Capital One card. Look at all the benefits. Look at all the great interest rates. Look at all the debt that you can accumulate right from this little piece of plastic. Right. He's saying what is in your wallet? If it's not in your wallet, it needs to be in your wallet. Well, tonight, I'm not gonna ask you what's in your wallet, cause if it's like mine, there's nothing there. Yeah, and but I am going to ask you the question tonight. What is in your worship? What is in your worship? Say, brother, tell what you mean. 

Well, when we worship the Lord, when we come on Sundays, we come to church on Wednesday nights, right? We are here to worship God. Amen. We're here to worship the Lord. We're here to praise God for his goodness, to thank God for his goodness. We'll talk about what worship actually looks like and just. The moment, but that is what we come to church for. It's to worship God, to learn more about God so we can worship him not just with in song, not just with our lips, but with our life. So we can worship him. That is our purpose. That is the essence of our purpose is to worship God. But the question tonight is what is in. Your worship, if if. If I'm. And that's just what I'm trying to say is, I'm afraid, like our wallets, our worship to God often comes up short on cash and maybe even high on the credit of emotion and self gratification. What I mean, sometimes we come to church and we watch other people worship for us. Because if we're not careful, we can come to church. We could sit in a Pew. We can go through the motion. We can come up here. We can watch someone sing a beautiful song and never worship. You realize we can listen to music and not worship. Do you realize we can listen to the word of God being preached to us and not worship? But you know God is called each and every one of us as believers to be actively engaged in worship. When we come to church, we ought to not be a spectator. We ought to be a participant. Right. You may just be sitting and you may just be listening, but you realize you can be engaged in what God is saying. Do you realize you can be actively listening to the voice of God allowing God to change your heart, to change your mind? And you, yes, you can be actively worship worshiping God. You may not raise your hand like some people in here. And by the way, that's not a bad thing to do this right here. Just be honest, is awkward for most Baptists. You raise your hands in church and people are like, who's that cuckoo over there? Right. I'm glad I'm sitting on this side. Of the church, right? But sometimes we think that I think it's abnormal to lift our hands and we think it's abnormal to praise. And unfortunately, I believe that sometimes our culture in which we Live Today, that is major so much on entertainment and majors so much on emotionalism. Has now scared us away from truly expressing any kind of worship to God. So brother Tyler, the question is for me. What does worship look like? What is in my worship? Because we. Could get so. Sidetracked. I'm not going to talk about, by the way, this is not a sermon on corporate worship tonight. I'm not going to talk about music standards. I'm not going to talk about church music. I'm not going to talk about corporate worship and what we do here in a church setting because I want to go deeper than that. I want to go down to the nitty gritty. 

What is in your worship? How can we truly? Worship God on Sunday and every day of the week, and we're gonna talk about in some 100. Let's pray and ask the Lord to help us tonight. Dear Lord, thank you for. Your word, it lives and abides forever. It is a living book. We're not opening a dead book tonight. We're opening a living word that when it comes into our lives and our minds, it brings life and life abundantly. It washes us and makes us clean. It's profitable for us. And Lord, I pray that you would help us. Help us tonight as we talk about the subject of worship. A personal worship God to be actively engaged and to go home to. My purpose in our hearts that we're going to worship you in the right way. We're going to worship you when things are hard. When things are good, we're going to worship you. We'll praise you and we'll thank you all guys, people said. Amen. Number one. We look at the call to worship a call to worship. We gonna get to some 100 in just a moment. But first, we're gonna look at the call to worship you. Say, what do you mean? You know, all of God's children are called to worship. We are all commanded to worship God. The Bible says in Psalm 95 will come. Let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord, our maker, by the way, I think a. Lot of worship is here today. When it should be here today. Because this looks really. Good on a camera but this. Is very humbling. What does David say? He says hey, let's come and worship. Let's worship God and let's bow down before him. Let's bow down before him. Let's kneel before him because he is our maker. Psalm 29, verse two says give unto the Lord the glory. Do unto his name, worship the Lord and the beauty. Of holiness, we are called upon. By God, we're commanded by God in his word to worship him. 

Worship is bringing glory and adoration and praise to God. When Bible commentator said that worship is our innermost being, responding with praise for all that God is through our attitudes, actions. Thoughts and words based on the truth of God as he revealed himself to us. A more simpler version. I like this worship is all that we are reacting rightly to all that he is. That is what true worship is. It taps into the very essence of our being. We are little creations that God has created, and we are put here on this planet to worship God through our lips and through our life. When you study the word, worship or what worshipping actually looks like in the scripture, you'll find that it's connected to a couple of things. It's connected to giving thanks to God for his goodness isn't amazing. Sometimes you come to church and you, you you watch the ensemble. They come up here and they start with the opener and your start, man, you're you're already into it. You're already into the service. The spirit of God is on you. Cause you came prepared for church. And you came prepared to worship, and you're standing there. You're singing that song from the from the depths of your heart. You're making a joyful noise. I will see you in just a moment. And it's amazing how your praise. Oftentimes leads to Thanksgiving. Never been at. Your house before and you're just singing and you just. Gotta stop. You gotta stop and just God, thank you. Thank you for. Your goodness. There's something about coming into his presence that it literally ignites the attitude of Thanksgiving, the attitude of gratitude, and it compels us to give thanks to God. There's goodness, it's also worship is also connected to rejoicing and present circumstances. Communion with God and sacrifice and surrender for the believer. Worship is an Ave. that brings us into a deeper relationship with God and settles his word and will in our heart that is what worship is. It's bringing praise to. God, can I ask you a question? What was the last time you praised God for his goodness? 

We just came off a time of Thanksgiving. We just came off a, you know, and I love it. We sit around the Catherines family, sit around. We crammed people in this little southern charm house. It's cute, and we get some 40 plus people in there and we go around what you're thinking for, what you're thankful for. But how many of us thanked God and praise God for his blessings this week? How many of us said I want to live a lifestyle of Thanksgiving? How many of us thank the Lord and praise God worship God today? Do you realize you can worship God at work? It is possible, I promise. So you're like you don't know where I work, man. You have no idea where I work or where I work. You have no idea who my boss is. Who I gotta deal with every day. My coworkers, brother Tyler, this is not a good environment to work. We're gonna see in just a moment you realize that you can worship anyway. There's a couple of men called Paul and Silas. They worshipped in the jail cell. You can worship anywhere. We can praise God. You don't worship. That's what worship is. Worship is not praise and adoration to men. That's not worship. Worship is not just singing or souling musical. As I mentioned, when we think worship, we oftentimes think music, but you realize music is a very small part of our worship. We'll see that in just a moment. Just if if worship is not a feeling or an experience, faith comes first, then feelings come second. We'll talk about that in just a moment. It's not about what we get. Out of a service. But really about what we give in worship to God. When was the? Last time we came to church service and said. You know what can I get today?

When was the last? Time we said. What can I give God today? Cause you know, our God is so big that when we give him all The Dirty rags, that's what our righteousness is. By the way we give him our dirty rags. We give him just everything we have. God says OK, I'll take that and I'll make something even greater out of it. Sometimes we get in this consumer mindset when it comes to church and we say, well, what can I get when true worship says? What can I give? Personal worship is not watching someone else worship. For us, we live in an entertainment centered society. As I mentioned earlier, and oftentimes we adopt this thinking when we enter into church, we think we are there to attribute from the preaching of music versus contributing. To the preacher. Preaching and service. Think about this for just a moment. Think about the hours that Preacher spends preparing his message. And by the way, I can. Test OK. My office is next to his upstairs. OK, I can attest to you. Preacher spends a lot of time and study. That's why he's preaching so good, and I'm not just saying that. I'm not saying that for flattery. I'm saying he is known for being a good preacher because he puts the time in. Think about all. The time that he spends preaching and preparing his messages. Think about all. The time that Miss Sharon spins on the piano, think about all the time that brother Matt spins. And getting all the music together. Think about all the time. That the that the tech people. They they they put batteries in lapel mics and they make sure everything is good to go. They they they thread cords together if they need to. And and whatever they gotta do to get the service going. Right, think about. All the preparation that goes into a place like this, the cleaning that goes on. All of that. How much preparation do we have in our own heart, in our own minds when we come to church? Are we prepared to worship? We are all called to worship but #2, the companions of worship, what are the companions? Real. Look this very quickly. Look in John Chapter 4. Real quick, hold your place there. In Psalm 100 will be there in just a moment. But look at John Chapter 4. John Chapter 4. This is a wonderful past description when talking about worship, Jesus meets a. Woman at the well, we're not going to go through this whole story, but in verse 23 the Bible says, but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him. Must worship him in spirit and in truth. Brother Tyler, I know I'm called to worship, but what does that really look like? Well, we're kind of developing that number 2. The companions of worship we find here. Jesus says, hey, we must worship when you worship. God, you must worship in truth and in spirit. What is truth? Well, the truth is, the Bible. The word of God, the word of God teaches us how to worship God. The more we dive into the word, the more we learn more about God and the more. We have to praise him for. Right. Because the more you learn about someone, the better you can serve them, isn't it? Right in your marriage, those of you that are married, the more you learn your wife or your husband, the better you get at birthdays. Am I right? The better you get at anniversaries if you don't forget, fellas. Right. The better you get at Christmas presents or the better you get to acts of service for them, why? Because you're getting to. The more your love is deepened for one another. But look at me. Look at me. Look at me. When your love deepens for God, you get in. The truth of God's word, your worship will begin to have a depth. You've never experienced. Your worship will begin to expand. You'll see God's love and God's grace in God's truth. And you will walk into a deeper relationship with him, with your lips, with your life. So we see the companion worship his truth, but also in spirit. This involves our emotions and our heart. The Bible says we must worship God in truth and in spirit. They both must come together. We cannot have one and not the other, because if we try to worship God in truth. But we lack spirit. Our worship will fall flat and it will lead to religious legalism. It will lead to Deadness while I'm worshipping, right? But there's no heart behind it. There's no mind. There's no, there's no ambition of the heart behind it, no passion or pursuit of God behind it, our worship will. Fall flat. But if we have all spirit emotions and heart but lack the truth of God's word, then we're left with emotionalism and experience of worship without real change. And once again, that's not a message on corporate worship. But isn't that where we are in many of our churches? That, unfortunately, is that we have a. Lot of emotion. A lot of. Feeling and we have an experience that looks like worship. It looks just like worship and man is so deceiving. But yet there is no truth of God. And when there is no truth. Look at me when there's no truth of God, there is no change. You walk away with? Yes, a wonderful experience. But no change. True worship involves both spirit and truth, so we see the call to worship the companions of worship and then lastly the course of worship. And this is where some 100 comes in. Let's look at it together. Some 100. Look at it verse #1 you still awake? Say. Amen. Amen. I came in earlier and these lights were, like, really dim. And that's their brother West. We gotta we gotta. We gotta brighten these lights up. I said I got to minimize the risk of them falling asleep. He's like they're going to anyway, man. And I was like, I know. I know. But let's brighten them up anyway. The course. Of course. Your brother Tyler. I know I'm called to worship. I'm commanded to worship. I know. I gotta worship in spirit and truth. But what does it actually look like? Well, someone Hunter gives us a wonderful recipe of what it means to worship the Lord. This is, you can imagine a Hebrew choir singing this. In the time of David look at it, verse one make a joyful noise unto the Lord. All ye lands. Archie, Gladys. Make a joyful noise and not a really nice and pretty voice, aren't you? Glad of that. Right, but make a joyful noise, brother Tyler. What does real worship look like? How can I worship God in the right way? Well, we must have the right disposition. We must have the right attitude of the head. We, the Bible says, make a joyful noise unto the Lord. We can come to church, as I mentioned earlier, and go through all the motions, or we can listen to a song in the privacy of our home and not actually worship the Lord. Worship begins when the heart is changed. Worship begins and the Bible says make a joyful noise unto the Lord. A lot of people would know you just by a glimpse at your countenance. Have you ever heard the phrase before that? You may be the only Bible that someone reads. How many of you have ever heard that before? Yeah, you may be the only Bible that somebody ever reads, but I wonder if with our disposition, with our attitude, with our expression, I wonder if it's one that brings people to Jesus. Or if it puts them in. From the idea of Christ. I wonder if our disposition, our attitude, our heart. It's joyful, it's full of the love of God. What does the Bible say about the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace. I wonder if we live our life in such a way so full of the Holy Spirit of God that our life, if we put on display the joy of God. I wonder if people look at us. And they say that person has something that I want and need you realize you can be such a testimony. To the people you work with. By the way, by your disposition, by how you carry yourself and by your hearts attitude, you realize you could be such a witness to those around you simply by having the joy of the Lord. Attitude is everything, and one of the most attractive witnessing tools that you've got in your toolbox as a Christian. Is your attitude. Attitude is big. It did not. Amen attitude is big and if you walk around like an eagle all the time. Ohh, why bother? You think your coworkers will want to come to? Church with you on Sunday. Probably not. You think your coworkers want and know more about Christ? Probably not, and I've been guilty myself. I remember working in Bible College, working at Chick. Delay going into people's homes. Back when I used to have a window cleaning company and all that and I had to remember, hey, I'm not just representing Crimson window cleaning. I am representing the Lord Jesus Christ. I am literally in these people's homes. And if I walk around with the bad attitude, guess what, that's going to reflect on the Lord. That's going to reflect me and brother Scott have talked about this before, but how many people he can witness to just by his business dealings and he can. Be a light to. That's why it's so important we must make a joyful noise. Make sure. Hey, let's check our heart at the door. Let's check our heart. Each day. Is it joyful? Is it one of worship? And then the right disposition. But look at verse two. I love this. It says serve the Lord. See how you're giving. Like all these awesome action steps. This is how you worship God. You make a joyful noise to the Lord. In verse two you serve the Lord with. Gladness serve the Lord with gladness, the right disposition, and we ought to worship God with the right devotion. This word serve. Here's an interesting word. It's abod. It means to till or to plow. It literally has the idea of a farmer in the middle of a field, plowing. And he this is hard labor. The Bible says serve the Lord with gladness. As I mentioned earlier, you realize that you can worship God not just with what you say, but with what you do. Do you realize your service to the Lord is worshipped to God? The Lord has so convicted me about this in the last three years, 3 plus years that I've been here on staff. Is that it doesn't matter what I am doing. If I am dusting off this pulpit or setting up water bottles here, or picking up trash, or I'm doing something with hospitality doesn't matter what I'm doing. Do you realize I can do it worshipfully. Do you realize teachers you can teach your class worshipfully? A constant, constantly living in the presence of God, inviting God into every situation in your life. Keeping the conversation going with him, we can worship God not just with our lips, but with our life. The Bible says Rome and Romans 12 are. Excuse me, Colossians 3. It says that what server you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord, Ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for what ye serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, it's connecting the idea in this passage of serving God and worshipping God. How is your service? Once again, our service to God is not something we should come to church, just watch other people do. But it should be something we are actively involved in. I am. I am considered full and full time ministry, but I hate that phrase. You know why? Because every Christian born again believer is in full time ministry. I believe it doesn't matter where you are in your season of life. There ought to be something. I truly believe this ought to be something that is your ministry. Whether it's encouraging a friend, whether it's being that prayer warrior, that every time someone comes to you, you pray for them and you really seek the face of God. Whether it's witnessing when you have the time after work to go and witness, maybe because you can't even make it on Saturdays. Whatever it is, we ought to serve the Lord. We can worship God. We can say God. Thank you for the sacrifice you've given us and my way of thanking. I'm going to serve you. I'm gonna serve you with my whole heart. The Bible says not to serve the Lord, but serve the Lord. With what class? Gladness. Hey, you know you can serve the. Lord, with a smile on your face. You can right some people. We serve the Lord and it's like man. Are they happy serving the Lord? And I've been there, right? But what is the first verse say make a joyful noise. Hey, we ought see how worship is when you get in the presence of God, it lifts you up. You see this? The joy of the Lord. You're serving the Lord with what? With gladness. It's lifting you up. Anybody ever just felt down anybody? In my in the room, raise your. Hand if you've. Ever just felt down before? Yeah. You've been there this week. Maybe I have. I'm just down in the dumps. I can't get ahead today. You ever say something like that? You know what can lift you up? Stepping into the presence of God in worship? You know, I've learned about. Life is that we get our minds off of ourselves when we are serving others. Some people that struggle with some of the most with some of the most selfish thoughts, people that struggle with, they're constantly down constantly, down constantly in this Eeyore state, right. Are people that constantly think about themselves and not others, and it's amazing and I've watched it. I've watched it in my own family. If someone who was they were there, they battled with depression and in those moments and those seasons of life, when they got their minds off themselves and it's a real thing and all of that. But they got their minds off themselves and they started serving others. It was amazing. To see the transformation. When you serve the Lord, we are worshipping him. Serve the Lord with gladness. Look at verse 3 if you're still awake, say Amen. Good. We're great on time. Praise the Lord. Let the record show. Brother Tyler priest. And we're good on time thus far. #3 know ye that the Lord he is God, it is he that has made us, and not we ourselves. We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. So brother tell how should I worship God with the right. With the right what I say this disposition with the right heart attitude, the right devotion, serve the Lord, but also with the right discernment. The Bible says he uses the word no, no ye that the Lord he is God. I believe a heart of sincere worship blows out of a reverence to God we when we. Understand how high he is. We understand how low we are. You ever just get a glimpse of? God. And you're like, wow, I am a speck on the page of human history. You know, we're small. We don't like to admit it. We like to be the big thing in our world oftentimes. That's the temptation that all of us face. But understand that when we get a glimpse of God and his glory, it is then that we have to bow down like the psalmist says. Think about the encounters in the Old Testament of those who have seen God, they've seen his higher hinder parts. Moses did or Joe be wrestled with God. What was eventually the end result of those encounters with God? It was reverence. And look at me. Look at me when you praise God, you worship God in spirit and in truth, whether that's in church or whether that's in home. Guess what happens? God begins to humble you and you begin to see him. Wow. For how big he is. Look at the verse. It says it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. Why is it saying this in the song? This is. Kind of weird. OK, look at it. We are his people and this sheep of his pasture know I believe God's trying to teach us here about worship. He's trying to teach us that. Hey, we are sheep. We need a shepherd. She need a shepherd. They are dumb. We don't like to admit that I don't like to admit that I want to rule my own life. They want to make decisions. I want to call the shots. But God says no. No, no, no. No. No, no, no, no. You are a sheep I want. To be your shepherd, let me lead. Your life and when you step into the presence of God, when you begin to worship God in spirit and in truth, it's in that moment. Look, look what I'm doing in my hands. You know what, this is also a sign for. We surrender. Hey, there's nothing to hide. And maybe we, as God's children, need to maybe not physically lifting our hands. But with a heart we say God, I have nothing to hide. Search me. Oh God. Know my heart. Try me. My thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way. Everlasting. Hey, God, I surrender. So we like to think of worship as it's it's a high, it's an experience. It's a feeling, it's awesome and it's all of those things. But oftentimes, when you study worship in scripture, it is sacrifice. Building an altar. Sacrificing a son. Or being willing to it is surrender. The Bible says no ye the Lord, he is God, is he this man? That's not we ourselves. Look at verse four and I'll be dumb. With two more verses and I'll be done. So we see we ought to worship God with the right disposition, the right devotion serve the Lord with gladness, the right discernment, knowing that he's God. He's higher than us. He wants to lead our lives, but then also look at verse 4, enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise you can almost. Be a Hebrew choir worshipping the Lord, and if the if the the Ark of the Covenant. Is the pulpit they a normal Jew, cannot go into the holy of Holies into the Tabernacle. They cannot go into the holy place. OK, they couldn't do all of those things. There are only certain amount of distance they could go to. The presence of God that showed their reference, that showed that respect to the the the presence of God. OK, in the Tabernacle or in the temple, and so you could almost see the Hebrew choir singing as they enter into his gates with Thanksgiving. A lot of people believe some scholars believe that they would sing these songs and these psalms as they got closer and closer. Has in Jerusalem every year. When they offered the sacrifices and all those things, they began to get closer and closer. The men were allowed to get a little bit closer than the women and the and the children and and the priests were allowed to get a little bit closer to the Ark of the Covenant than the men and the high priest were little obviously the. The closest. There, but you can kind of see them as they're stepping into the presence of God, which. Is what that? Arc represented they are worshipping the Lord, entering into his gates with Thanksgiving into his courts with praise. I believe many times we don't enter into the gates. Of Thanksgiving because we're so busy going everywhere else. You know, life is busy. Do you know that we get busy sometimes? And if I'm not careful, what happens is I get more focused on what I am doing than who I am worshipping. I get more focused on what I've got to do in front of me. Than the God I am serving, and I believe Christian ministry is one of the places where there's some of the greatest temptation for that, because what happens is your Christian service becomes a list of tasks you have to accomplish. Instead of a Worshipful service to God. But verse 4. Says enter into his gates with Thanksgiving into his courts with praise. Again, be thankful unto him and bless his name. When was the last time you've blessed his name? He said God, thank you, God. Thank you just for being you. Because when you get a glimpse of everything God has done for you and you get a glimpse of who God is, you cannot help. But bless his name. You cannot help but say, God, you are amazing. Bless his name, the Bible says. With Thanksgiving, praise him and then brother tell why? Why in the world should I worship God? I know he's commanding me too. I know I had to do it in spirit and truth. I know how to do it. The right heart attitude and what you just mentioned. But why? Look at verse five. It tells us why should we enter into his gates? Why should we serve him? Why should we make a joyful noise? It tells us, for the Lord is. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth unto all generations. God is good to us. His mercy is everlasting. You realize this because of the mercy of God that we can worship him tonight. Do you know that it's because of the mercy of God that we can come boldly? The Bible says into the throne of Grace. Some of you may have not caught it, but did you know that Jesus is in this passage? Did you know that? Let's look at it again. You might see the name of Jesus in this passage. Look at. It look in your Bibles. I don't see Jesus's name, but when you read old. Testament scripture, do you realize? That you can almost always find Christ. And many encounters many chapters in the Old Testament. You can find Jesus. Look at verse #1 again, the Bible says make a joyful noise. Did you know this is actually one word? It's not several words, but in Hebrew it's actually one word, and this word literally means to mar or to break. Interesting. I'm thinking now of a woman who took an alabaster box of ointment. God commended her. For her worship, but in order for.

Her worship to.

Begin. What did she do with that box? It had to be broken. This was this sealed box that didn't have a cap on it like any. Perfume did. It was. A box that literally had to be broken. In order to expel what was inside of that box. This word right here, making a joyful noise. Has the ID. Here that there was something that was broken that released victory. This would often be used as a battle cry of victory for those that fought in battle that would say you've probably even heard the English transliteration of this word. You can imagine multiple soldiers with their Shields and their swords saying, ooh, what are they saying? They're saying, hey, those that fought for us, there was death. But now we have victory because of the sacrifice. Now we have the victory. We have taken the city. Look at this in this one word we find and we see the idea. That there was something broken. So that we can worship, there was someone that was broken so that we could worship. Who was the one that was broken so that we could worship. That was our Lord Jesus.

It Christ on the cross, his body as the bread. He said do this in remembrance of me at the Last Supper with his disciples. This is my body. It is what? Broken for you? He was bruised, Isaiah, 53, tells us for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are what we are healed because Jesus was broken because he sacrificed. He lay down his life. The Bible says he gave up the ghost because the sacrifice. Was made. We can worship God freely. We, as I mentioned earlier, can come boldly to the throne of Grace. The veil, the temple veil was ripped in Twain. What does that even? Mean brother Tyler. Remember that ark of the Covenant I mentioned earlier, there was a veil that separated that from the holy Place. And when Jesus died, that veil was broken. What was that? Even a symbol of? What are you talking about? That was saying, hey, now you have access to worship. They're no longer have to do you have to meet in Jerusalem and offer sacrifices. Animal sacrifices. The perfect sacrifice has been made. And now you can worship God in spirit and in truth, that's what he was saying in John Chapter 4 to the woman at the well, he was. Saying, hey, the time has. Come where? You don't have to go to this mountain or. That mount to worship. You can worship God where you are. Every time we worship, you know what we're expressing. We're expressing the fact. That Jesus has made a way for us. We're expressing the fact that Jesus has had made a way of worship to God. And I wonder how often we take advantage of the privilege that God has given us. To worship him. We see the call to worship. We're all commanded to worship. We see the the companions of worship, spirit and truth that must we must have. And then the course, God, help us to serve you and to worship you with our service, with our heart, the right disposition, A joyful disposition. Lord, help us to serve you with our knowledge, our discernment. What we know about you and about your word, the Lord help us enter into your gates with Thanksgiving into your courts with praise.